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Global SinoPhoto Awards 2021

event image for Global SinoPhoto Awards 2021
Date: 16 February 2022 to 14 May 2022

<p><span style="color: #b476a5;">The Global SinoPhoto Awards 2021 would not have been possible without the generous support from various organisations worldwide. </span><span style="color: #b476a5;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GSPA 2021 partners and supporters</a> (open in a new window).</span></p> <p><span style="color: #b476a5;">Bristol &amp; West of England China Bureau, UK Chinese Entrepreneurs Club, Blick Rothenberg, The Societies of Photographers, Digitalab, Tianyao Global, Shangtuf Image and Art Development Co., Ltd, Andrea Stern Associates Ltd, Ash Communications, China Photographer Association, The Kuala Lumpur International Photoawards, and Active, Anglo Chinese Communication.  </span></p> <p><span style="color: #b476a5;">The Global SinoPhoto Awards 2021 support the charity Mothers’ Bridge of Love.</span></p>

The Global SinoPhoto Awards (GSPA) is an annual, international photography competition that aims to communicate Chinese culture through remarkable imagery that reflects the skills, creativity and imagination of the photographer. It aims to provide a creative hub to inspire and connect photographers internationally.

This exhibition showcases the award-winning and highly commended photos from this year’s awards, Global SinoPhoto Awards 2021, which were selected from almost 2,000 entries from around the world, including the UK. The photographs fall under four categories: ‘Home’, ‘Environment’, ‘Work & Play’ and ‘Water’, as 2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger. The overall winning photo from last year’s awards – the inaugural year of GSPA – will also be on show.

Photo: Rataj, Arek: Bus 116, Shijiazhuang, China, 2016.